


Medical Bill Correction as Provided by a Louisiana Debt Collection Lawyer

If you have a medical debt, there may be an error or unauthorized charge which may be found in a review. This could be a way to reduce the amount. There also may be insurance errors in the debt. These errors may be found in the application of the explanation of benefits form from your insurance company. Contact the insurance company or a Louisiana Debt Collection Lawyer to have any errors removed from you bill.

A medical debt bill may also include unauthorized charges. The insurance explanation of benefits form may disallow part of the bill from the healthcare provider.  If a health care provider charged you for items that are covered under your insurance, it may be considered balanced billing and not permitted under the Louisiana Balance Billing Disclosure Act (LBBD)

For billing under Medicare or Medicaid, billing rates should not exceed what the medical care coverage provide. A bill under Medicare or Medicaid should only contain copays and deductibles if any charge at all. If you currently have a medical debt on your credit report that you believe should have been covered by insurance, Medicaid, or Medicare, contact a Louisiana Debt Collection Lawyer at Parmount Law. If your insurance There may be deadlines for some remedial actions, so it is best not to wait to begin an action plan.

Medical Debt and Financial Assistance as Provided by a Louisiana Debt Collection Lawyer

Under federal regulations, nonprofit hospitals must have policies for which to offer some financial assistance to potential patients. These offers may include discounted or free medical services to qualifying patients. Nonprofit hospitals must display the policies on how to apply for financial assistance on their website.

Uninsured patients may be charged high “retail” prices for some medical services, but medical providers may give significant discounts to certain health insurers, Medicaid, and Medicare providers. Nonprofit hospitals should not charge “retail” prices to patients that quality for financial assistance. Those patients should be charged prices similar to that of the health insurer, Medicaid, and Medicare providers. If you currently have a medical debt on your credit report that you believe should have been covered by insurance, Medicaid, or Medicare, contact a Louisiana Debt Collection Lawyer at Parmount Law.

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