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Cavalry SPV I LLC Dismisses $2,200 Lawsuit in Tulsa

Cavalry SPV I LLC Dismisses $2,200 Lawsuit in Tulsa

Case Dismissed! Tulsa Court Dismisses Cavalry Lawsuit

Case Dismissed by Cavalry SPV I LLC

Case Dismissed by Cavalry SPV I LLC

Cavalry SPV I LLC, a major debt collector with a large call center operated by Cavalry Portfolio Services in Tulsa, Oklahoma, completely dismissed its lawsuit seeking $2,217.39 from a Tulsa consumer less than one month after the consumer hired Paramount Law to represent them.  The dismissal can be viewed on OSCN, the Oklahoma Supreme Court Network.  According to the Petition filed by Cavalry’s attorney, Oklahoma City lawyer Deborah Peterson, Cavalry SPV I claims it purchased defaulted credit card debt from  Bank of America.  However, when questioned by Paramount Law attorneys regarding the legitimacy of that claim, Cavalry SPV I chose to dismiss the lawsuit it filed against our client without our client paying anything to them!

Are You Being Sued by Cavalry SPV I?

If you’ve recently received a Summons and Petition from Cavalry SPV I LLC, you must act quickly! After you receive notice of the lawsuit, Cavalry SPV I LLC typically only provides you with 35 days to file an answer with the court before this debt collector will be able to obtain a default judgment against you. Cavalry knows that most consumers don’t respond to a credit card lawsuit, enabling them to obtain a quick judgment against Oklahoma consumer’s without ever having to prove their case. As soon as the court awards judgment (which typically also includes attorney fees and court costs), Cavalry SPV I is able to immediately garnish your wages and bank account, without any further notice to you!

Who Is Cavalry SPV I LLC and Why Did They Sue Me?

Debt buyers like Cavalry often buy debts for just pennies on the dollar, then attempt to collect the entire amount of the original debt.  Sometimes if Cavalry is unable to collect from the consumer through threatening telephone calls and letters, they will engage an attorney to file a lawsuit. Often times, the the attorney that filed the lawsuit does not get paid anything unless they are able to collect from the consumer. This is usually called a contingency fee arrangement, and is used extensively by debt buyers like Cavalry SPV I.

How to Beat Cavalry SPV I and Cavalry Portfolio Services

While being sued is never a pleasant experience, debt buyers like Cavalry SPV I LLC often will dismiss a lawsuit when the consumer has hired a consumer protection attorney like Paramount Law.  The reason is obvious — it’s much easier for the debt collector to dismiss the case and move on to the next unrepresented consumer, rather than spending time and money on fighting a consumer that has hired an attorney to stick up for his or her rights.  If you have been sued by Cavalry SPV I, call us for a free legal consultation. We’ve handled several cases filed by Cavalry, and every case we’ve ever handled for clients who’ve been sued in a Cavalry Lawsuit has been dismissed once we get involved.  That’s right, how many attorneys can boast that they have a 100% success rate with a particular Plaintiff?  We do, and we want to help you get your case dismissed, too.

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