
Sign the Petition to End Forced Arbitration!

Sign the Petition to End Forced Arbitration!

End Forced Arbitration!

Don’t allow a forced arbitration clause to give companies like Equifax and Wells Fargo a “get-out-of-jail-free-card!” Sign the petition urging the Senate to put consumers ahead of Wall Street banks and their lobbyists and to reject efforts to take away our day in court through forced arbitration. 

Corporate lobbyists are pushing the Senate to block the CFPB arbitration rule that prevents fine print forced arbitration clauses that gives companies a free pass  when they are caught violating the law or mishandling consumer information. The new CFPB arbitration rule prohibits bank account, payday loan, credit reporting, credit card and student loan contracts from blocking our ability to band together in class actions when companies harm millions of people. The U.S. House of Representatives has already voted to take away your day in court and now it’s up to the Senate.

Support the CFPB Arbitration Rule

Tell your Senators to end forced arbitration.
Sign the petition to tell your Senators: 

Consumers like me already face a stacked deck when we try to hold financial giants like Equifax or Wells Fargo accountable for​ their actions.

But now, the House has moved to take away our right to join together to challenge bad corporate actors in court. You and your colleagues in the​ Senate​ must not follow their lead.

I​ ​​​support the Consumer​ ​​​Financial​ ​Protection​ ​​​Bureau’s​ ​arbitration rule, which restores our legal rights and makes our financial system stronger and safer.​​​ ​​The 7th Amendment afforded Americans the right to a trial by jury,​ and large banks and lenders must not be allowed to strip us our of rights to hold them accountable for widespread fraud and wrongdoing in court.

​I ​urge you to stand with consumers like me, NOT financial giants trying to get away with widespread harm. Please vote NO on S.J. Res. 47​.

With the CEOs of Wells Fargo and Equifax testifying before Congress this week, now is the time to demand answers, not to forfeit our Constitutional rights to hold them accountable in court.

Additional resources and background information can be found here.

Watch “Monopoly Man” Amanda Werner, our Fair Arbitration Now coalition partner, at an October 4th congressional hearing to protest Equifax’s use of forced arbitration.

Thanks for joining us in demanding that our Senators put American consumers first and deny Wall Street lobbyists efforts to overturn the CFPB’s rule to uphold our right to our day in court.

Contact a New Orleans Debt Lawyer for Further Help!

If you believe your rights have been violated through forced arbitration, contact a New Orleans debt lawyer like Paramount Law for a free consultation regarding your rights!

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